Choose your best option

Individual session

- About 2 hours of my work

- 10 photos in my personal art retouch

- all photos in color and light correction

- photos are transmitted via file charing

- prepayment is 50% of cost

The cost of this package 400 $.

Commercial photo

- I am working with restaurants, hotels, fashion brands.

I create beautiful photos for successful development of your business.

- photos are transmitted via file charing.

- prepayment is 50% of cost.

The cost from 200 $ per hour.

Love story of a couple or Family

- About 2 hours of my work

- 10 photos in my personal art retouch

- all photos in color and light correction

- photos are transmitted via file charing

- prepayment is 50% of cost.

The cost of this package 300 $.

If you need more hours, the price for each hour is 100 $.

If you want a session in studio, the rent is paid separately.

If you dont find the best option, contact me and we will calculate the cost individually for you.

I am working all over the world, please contact me if you want photo session in your country.

Other projects

If you want a beautiful photos for your brand or company, please contact me and we will agree about the price depending on how may hours it will takes and the complexity of the work.

The cost of an hour of my work starts from 200 $.

If you choose the one of this packages, you can make prepayment and book your special date.

I'm working in Moscow, in Europe and all over the world.

Please note, that the customer pays for my flight from Moscow to his country and for my accommodation.

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